Starting Over at 43

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Lynette DuquetteI welcome back as my guest writer today Lynette Duquette from Chicopee, Massachusetts. Her post last week on Negative Emotions – The New Taboo, generated several comments from readers telling times that they, too, had had people say to them: “You shouldn’t feel the way you are feeling.” Interestingly, Lynette took us through the scriptures showing people expressing “negative” feelings.

Today, Lynette writes about the emotional roller coaster ride she has been on since she and her husband have decided to separate. I have cross-posted her story from Lynette’s website, When God Says Move, with her permission.

It’s been a long time since I have posted, and much has happened. I have finally found a wonderful church who has been a very important part of my healing. For that I am grateful. I am currently in counseling with a certified therapist on staff at the church. Sadly, my marriage is ending after 23 years. My husband and I had been discussing separation, but I still had hope that things could work out. However, a circumstance arose that I believe was God’s way of showing me that my marriage is over for good.

The revelation of this issue in my marriage was a serious blow to my heart. I was, and still am devastated. My marriage had been through situations before, but none had affected me as much as this time. I asked my counselor why. Her response was that while I still had hope, this last issue was the thing that told me there is no hope left. I see that things will not change with my husband. It is a great loss, and there is a grieving process I will go through.

My emotions have been all over the place. I can go from angry to sad to being okay all in the course of one day. What I am learning right now is that it is absolutely okay to have what some would deem ‘negative emotions’ considering what I am going through. Personally, I despise the word ‘negative’ being put in front of emotions. Sadness, anger, depression…those are all considered negative.

I am also learning that it is okay to recognize that ‘today I am feeling…’. I spent years trying to fight these ‘negative emotions’. I have tried denying them, replacing them, wearing a mask, and outright lying. The only thing that got me was feeling even worse, both physically and mentally. I am learning to say ‘it’s okay that I feel…’ but to not let that feeling prevent me from doing what needs to be done. I find that accepting these emotions is far more freeing that trying to deny or stifle them.

Being transparent is important, so let me share with you something I did in the midst of this anger I have. I got so angry one evening that I threw a water bottle across the room at the wall. I don’t usually do that, but this was also before the discussion I had with my counselor about being okay with my emotions. Was it the best way to deal with my anger? Nope. I know that. But I had been told for so long that ‘anger’ was bad. So I kept stuffing and stuffing and denying it until it exploded. I went to church the next day and told someone what had happened. She didn’t scold me, or beat me over the head with scripture. She held my hand and said “I’ve been there. I understand, and I am sorry you are hurting.” Words such as those were more healing than any scripture on anger could have ever been at that time.

To make matters worse, I’m broke. Before my husband left, he was the main breadwinner. I’m only going to be working on an as needed basis, even though I recently told my boss I am ready for more hours. (I took a few weeks off until my husband moved out due to stress as I also work in an extremely stressful environment). My boss ended up hiring someone else. You know what? I admitted today, to myself, that yes, I am frustrated. It’s okay. By admitting my emotion, I was able to get up and do my dishes and a few other things, instead of sitting here, fighting and pleading for God to take the emotion away.

Being able to admit how I am feeling has been a very freeing thing for me. I am human, I have emotions, and it’s okay.

I am sure you will join with me in praying for Lynette’s future. No doubt, it can be a scary thing to start life over at any age.

Perhaps, you have been in a similar situation. Why not describe how you dealt with it. Perhaps it will be of encouragement to Lynette.

Lynette’s Bio

I have been a believer for 13 years, I am a mom to an adult son whom I adore, and we live in Massachusetts. I love music, reading and nature.

I have had the privilege of being the leader of Celebrate Recover, a group which deals with people dealing with addictions. What a joy it was to witness people’s lives changed and start becoming who God called them to be.

My heart is to help other wounded hearts. My website is When God Says Move.


Starting Over at 43 — 17 Comments

  1. You are so right in what you say about emotions. I suffered for years because I did not want to admit what I was feeling because I thought as a Christian that I should not be feeling that way. What I came to discover was the feeling is okay because God gave them to us as a gage to serve when something is right or wrong. It is what we do with those feelings that can become wrong. But, not expressing them is not wrong. I pray your message does allow others to see that it is okay not to be okay sometimes. It is all a part of the grieving process.

    • Thank you for tackling this topic. I think I’ve been through all these emotions. Its hard to understand n accept some things. BUT God is Faithful even when you don’t feel it or see it!!!!

      • Rhonda, it is hard to go through all these emotions. But I find each time I admit it, anger, frustration, etc. It takes away some of it’s power.

      • Rhonda, I don’t know the extent of it, but I know that you have really gone through a transition in your life the past couple of years. No doubt you had plenty of emotions to deal with. And yes, it is a subject not often taught in our churches, and I am thankful Lynette has tackled this subject openingly. It definitely is a part of the grieving process and should not be ignored. God’s blessings on you as you continue on in your journey. You are doing a wonderful job, and what a grandma you are!!! I can’t believe you are really a grandma. Where have the years gone since you were a teenie bopper.

  2. I too, found myself in a similar situation a few years go.
    Be assured that sure as the sun rises and sets each day, our God is fashioning your new way.
    All around you there are people who love you and care for you – and even more than that – the Lord is all around you. Let His love inside. Allow it to fill the places of pain. He will prove His love to you and never fail you.
    Letting go of all hope and discouragement, my precious Lord strengthened me in Himself to a new place. I had a lot of hope so it took my longer than some! I put all of myself, my new life, my trust, my heart into Him alone.
    It was a very exciting new way for me. Waking and walking everyday with my Lord became an exciting anticipation of living and all of our future was before me. When times of sadness would come from days of yesterday, I would not allow my heart to go back. The new life Christ had for me was all forward, and all I had to do was walk into it with Him day by day by day!
    With love, Cindy

    • Thank you for sharing that encouragement. I have good days, and horrible days, but I know God sees my tears, and my day is coming. He will restore.

      • Cindy, I am so thankful and blessed by your life. To think, you have totally turned it around from the days of what seemed like despair. God is good, and I pray blessings on you and David as you pastor in your new church.

  3. Lynette, you are brave and courageous, my friend. I love what you shared here and it inspires me too. I’ve been a stuffer and I’m learning not to. I’m learning to bring those feelings to Abba and ask for help to work through them, to not be afraid to feel them. I’m inspired by your journey and praying for each day to be filled with God’s presence and peace no matter what’s happening around or in you. Abba brings us through! Hugs!

    • Dineen, so glad you took the time to read this! Thank you! I find, like you, that going through the feelings often brings more revelation and healing than denying or stuffing them.

  4. I love you girl. I will always hold you in prayer. And I see breakthrough already happening in your life. Finding a church you love is ginormous… Holding you in His Presence. Love you, Lynn

  5. Lynette,
    Mrs. Martha is my God Mother and her blog is such a wonderful tool for letting others know that we are not alone in what we are feeling or going through. This may sound strange but it is a blessing for her to share your story with us because it lets us (your readers) know we are not alone in what we feel or are going through. You are not alone with what you are going through. I’ve am divorced. My marriage was for 10 years and I have now been divorced for almost 10 years and have 2 wonderful children. Divorce is worse than death. It has been described as two flesh tearing apart and that is exactly what it is. I don’t say that to scare you but to show show that it’s no wonder you are having all kinds of emotions! Of course with something so traumatic, we will have more emotions than we normally deal with and it is definitely a roller coaster ride of emotions. I’ve had all of those same emotions you’ve had and at times in the past, when I thought I was finally pass the anger or sadness, there would be this moment or something said that would trigger those emotions again. But I’m hear to also let you know that this to will pass. With divorce it is very hard to have ‘closure’ so that healing takes a lot longer than dealing with a death. BUT you are not alone!!! You are not the only person that has had these same feelings. But the good news is our God is the Great Healer! He has held me through all those emotions and put His arms around me and gave me people like Martha around me to love me, encourage me, and remind me that they are there for me. I’m glad to hear you have a church family. I too have that and I have a special group in my church that is for divorcees and the bond and support we give each other is priceless!!! Thank you for your bravery in sharing a very personal story and opening yourself up to let others know as they read your story, it is OK for them to feel angry, sad, and stressed. My prayers are with you and keep your dialog always open and honest with God in your prayers. He will help you through this……… day at a time. Take Care, Cindy Freeman

    • Cindy, thank you. You are right, it does feel worse than death sometimes. I do have good days, and some days are just awful. But I am starting to have more good days than bad days. Thank you for sharing your heart too!

    • Cindy, I am so proud of you for taking what was intended evil for you and turning it around for good. From receiving healing in your own life, you have now taken that and leading a singles support group. I have heard you say many times, that this is not a group for remaining in the victim status, this is a group that studies a course outline from the word that moves them forward. You are their leader, and you are doing a wonderful job with those singles who find themselves widowed and divorced and their children. Keep it up; God’s favor is on you and yours. BTW: I know this group is called Single Adults Learning Together. Is this a national group that could be found in different parts of the country??

  6. I am so happy to hear you have a change of course Lynette that is empowering you. I pray we all can relay our Father’s living, breathing Word in a manner that will not leave others feeling like they are being beaten over the head with scripture. That is so sad. God’s Word is Powerful and His Word is stronger and more sensible than anything we can say on our own. Connecting is good and bringing God’s perspective through His own Word into our connection gives more life and healing than we can do from our perspective.
    The best is yet to come Lynette. (((HUG))))
    You are always in my prayers and your story gives us evidence that prayers are heard and God’s love prevails.

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