Identifying the Root Causes of Emotional Responses: A Traumatic Experience

Hannah-American-FlagI am continuing our study on Emotions to discover how and when a negative response to life’s circumstances might have taken root in our life. In order to find the root, we must look at our past influences and experiences from birth to adulthood to see how and when the door was opened for a negative emotional response to begin.

When I began this series, I listed 4 influences that weigh heavily on our responses to life’s circumstances. Take a look at Hannah’s illustration for a view of those 4 influences.

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Last week, we took a look at Perception. Today, we are going to concentrate on A Traumatic Experience in our life. To do that, I am going to take you back to the headlines news on a day none of us will ever forget.

Attack on America

September 11, 2001

Breaking News: Airplanes crash into The Twin Towers of The World Trade Center
Breaking News: A plane has crashed into The Pentagon
Breaking News: The World Trade Center has fallen to the ground
Breaking News: Airplane crashes in Pittsburgh

Americans watched in horror on TV as the events of that tragic day unfolded. It soon became clear that our country was being attacked by terrorists who had hijacked our own airplanes. Thousands of people lost their lives in a matter of minutes.

Then came the aftermath. Many Americans didn’t have to lose a love one in the attack to be directly affected. This tragic event was changing people’s lives all across the nation. Reactions to the event, being vented on TV and in the Newspapers, included:

  • “I stay in my pajamas all day long, and I don’t leave the house.”
  • “I don’t let my kids out of my sight.”
  • “I live in fear that there will be more attacks.”
  • “I keep my bags packed, ready to evacuate my house at any minute.”
  • News reported that 7 out of every 10 Americans were experiencing severe depression.

The point to be made is this: A person may experience a traumatic event in their lives that totally reverses their usual way of responding. An emotional blow of this nature may occur at any time in life and blocks or reverses their emotional development.

You might not have been as deeply affected by the terrorism attack as some were, and that is o.k. Traumatic is whatever is traumatic for you. The list might include:

  • abuse from a spouse
  • tragic loss of parent or friend
  • being ridiculed by a coach or teacher
  • involvement with the wrong crowd at school

I shall never forget, Judy, a woman in one of my grieving classes a few years ago. She went home from church one night and discovered that her fifteen-year-old son had committed suicide while she was at church.

Trying desperately to cope with this tragic loss, Judy started going to counseling. Soon she was beginning to see some light at the end of the dark tunnel. And then suddenly, fear began to control her life. What was she in fear of? Losing her surviving son. If he wasn’t home at a certain time, she had fear attacks that something had also happened to him. “I don’t understand this. I have never been a fearful person, now it literally consumes me,” Judy said to her counselor.

Judy’s counselor was able to show her that a traumatic experience had totally reversed her normal way of responding at the time she lost her son. Once she saw that, she was able, with the help of her counselor, start managing her fear before in took root for the rest of her life.

And that, my friends, concludes this series of posts on Identifying the Root Causes of Emotional Responses. I learned a lot about myself as I studied this several years ago. I trust you have, too.

Join Hannah and me next week as we celebrate Easter with a message that I trust will touch your heart.

Identifying the Root Causes of Emotional Responses: Perception

Hannah CrayonsI am continuing our study on Emotions to discover how and when a negative response to life’s circumstances might have taken root in our life. In order to find the root, we must look at our past influences and experiences from birth to adulthood to see how and when the door was opened for a negative emotional response to begin.

When I began this series, I listed 4 influences that weigh heavily on our responses to life’s circumstances. Take a look at Hannah’s illustration for a view of those 4 influences.

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Last week, we took a look at our own uniqueness and its negative emotional response-Temperament. Today, we are going to concentrate on our Perception.

Perception can be defined as the mental grasp of objects through the senses; insight, knowledge, how we view things. Sometimes we get it right, sometimes we don’t because our view can be very distorted.

Think of it this way: Have you ever tried to drive with a dirty windshield? Obviously your view would be distorted, thus running the risk of an accident. Because we see only a part of the picture we call life, this is the same dilemma we face as we try to cope with life based on our limited perceptions. Since our perceptions can be distorted, many of our current patterns of behavior and emotional responses are going to be distorted as well, and may well be erroneous

The following examples are two distinct times when our perception can become distorted, or as Hannah’s illustration shows: colored.


When I was a child I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of my childhood behind me.”  (1 Corinthians 13:11 NIV)

Let’s apply that scripture to a loss in childhood. A loss in childhood is perceived with childlike wisdom, knowledge, and child experience. Decisions made in childhood concerning this loss are based on the child’s understanding, which may well be wrong because of his limited perception. This decision making process is carried over into his adult life and becomes a continuous flow of decisions based on the same childlike wisdom and understanding.

For example: Bobbie, a child of an alcoholic, described what she thought was an intimate relationship between her parents. Her mother soothed and comforted her Dad during times he was in a drunken state. As a child, Bobbie perceived it as unconditional love. Acting out her perception of what unconditional love meant to her, Bobbie also married an alcoholic.

Bobbie had not put away childish thinking and reasoning. She suffered the consequences of distorted perceptions. Bobbie later realized that her Mom had actually been trying to keep Dad from having violent outbursts while in his drunken state; thereby enabling his alcoholism to continue instead of holding him accountable.

A Callous Heart

You will be ever hearing, but never understanding; you will be ever seeing, but never perceiving. For this people’s heart has become calloused; (hardened) they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, and under-stand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.” (Isaiah 6:9 NIV)

Did you pick up on why the people in that verse could not perceive truth? You got it- their heart had become hardened.

Too often, what we call “reality” is nothing more than our perception that has been colored and distorted by our history, heritage, attitude, and expectations that have hardened our hearts.

Paul said, “A person who is pure of heart sees goodness and purity in everything; but a person whose own heart is evil and untrusting finds evil in every thing, for his dirty mind and rebellious heart color all he sees and hears.” (Titus 1:15)

So, the question is, “Have unresolved hurts and losses in life hardened your heart? Could your understanding be distorted? Out of this colored perception, could you have developed a negative emotional response to all circumstances in life?

The good news is: we can obtain a new perception by opening our hearts to new levels of listening and learning. God can then heal our hardened heart, and at the same time, we are no longer looking at life through a dirty windshield.

And that, my friends, are just two examples of perception; I am quite sure there may be more.

I hope you are beginning to see where some of your anger, guilt, or depression is coming from. I found it most fascinating and freeing as I began to trace my negative responses back to its root. Most things don’t just happen overnight.

Join Hannah and me next week for one last influence on our lives that could be of help in identifying the root cause of our emotional responses-A Traumatic Experience.

Identifying the Root Causes of Emotional Responses: Temperament

4 temperamentsI am continuing our study on Emotions to discover how and when a negative response to life’s circumstances might have taken root in our life. In order to find the root, we must look at our past influences and experiences from birth to adulthood to see how and when the door was opened for a negative emotional response to begin.

When I began this series, I listed 4 influences that weigh heavily on our responses to life’s circumstances. Take a look at Hannah’s illustration for a view of those 4 influences.

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Last week, we took a stroll back in time to our birth parents. Today, we are going to concentrate on our Temperament. Temperament can best be described as our own UNIQUENESS and is the exception to the parental influence on our lives. Psalm 139:14 says: I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Hope at 2yrWhat does fearfully and wonderfully made mean? For starters, it means my 2 month old grandbaby, Hope. Don’t even try to tell this grandma that this precious baby is not wonderfully made, as are my other three grandchildren. I know you are thinking the same thing about your children and grandchildren.

But, what about fearfully? What does it mean? The Hebrew word that is translated “fearfully” is yare. In Vine’s Dictionary it means “reverence, to stand in awe, fear.”

When used to exalt a person, it means “standing in awe”. This implies honor, reverence and respect for the person. To be “fearfully” made means to be “awesomely” made.

And that, my friend, is how God created us to be – – AWESOME. We each are born with our own uniqueness that sets us apart as an individual. Two people can look at the same situation and see it completely different. One person may see flowers, the other weeds. One sees barriers the other sees opportunity. Our circumstances, IQ, nationality, economics, environment, and parental influence can mold us, but underneath, we remain the same.

Florence Littauer, author of Personality Plus, classifies temperaments into 4 categories.
Though we are basically classified as one particular temperament, we can have scattered traits in each one. A common emotion is associated with each temperament.

Temperaments Emotional Response
Sanquine Suppressed Anger
Choleric Open Aggressive Anger
Melancholy Depression
Phlegmatic Guilt

Each temperament is endowed with many strengths. The gifts that God has placed within us to use in the work He has called us to do flow from us according to our own temperament, our own uniqueness. A complete reading of Psalm 139 reveals just how unique we really are.

Despite the wonderful display of strengths our temperament has, it also has weaknesses, one of which is its emotional response, as you can see from the above chart.

Why weakness, after all, God created us fearfully and wonderfully, didn’t He? Well, we have Adam and Eve to thank for that. Adam’s sin was like an infectious disease—it spread to every human being born thereafter. Because of this, we need to look at our weaknesses, as well as its negative emotional response, and stamp out the infection to keep it from continuing to spread in our life and to those around us.

I can explain temperament best through my own experience, so allow me to bore you with me. It was through the study of temperaments a few years ago that I learned how and when the main root of my emotional response began. Through tests, I discovered that I was predominately Phlegmatic. These are the easy-going, laid back people, want peace at all cost, and are ruled basically with the emotion of guilt.

With that explanation, I’d like to go back to my first memory of emotions. I was six years of age and entering the first grade. Having very protective parents, I was instructed not to play on the swings nor go near them on the playground. Sitting under the trees while everyone else was having fun was tough for a 6-year-old to endure.

One day I could not take it any longer, so I wandered over to the swings. Wouldn’t you know it, one of the high-flying swinger’s foot hit me in the head. The kick in the head did not hurt me nearly as much as the “feeling of guilt” that swept over me for disobeying my parent’s instructions.

The guilt feeling increased over the next few days to the point that I thought I should “confess up” to my deed of disobedience. (Whatever was I thinking!) And that’s when I got the first little sermon of “be sure your sins will find you out.” From that day forward, to me it seemed as though “my sins” found me out with whomever I came into contact. If something went wrong, it must have been my fault, and guilt would crank up and run at full speed.

Phlegmatics do not like conflicts. True to this weakness, I followed this pattern and pushed a lot of things under the rug to keep peace and harmony for years into my adult life. I thought it was virtuous to be so easy going and the “peace keeper.” But what was actually taking place was the old devil was using what I thought was virtuous to make me intimidated to avoid consultation.

What I created in the process was a false harmony, and problems that I encountered went unsolved. Most of the strengths associated with my temperament had lain dormant and unused for many years. As God begin to heal me of false guilt, I realized that sometimes conflict is good. It is needed to right the things that are wrong if we confront them in a Godly manner. But pleasing everyone to avoid conflict and guilty feelings is “safeguarding and preserving one’s own self.”

Often we hear people say, “that’s just the way I am, like it or not.” Would you promise not to get offended with me if I say to you, “just the way you are may need to change?” Change may well begin with knowing the weaknesses of your temperament. When you see how God has uniquely designed your strengths, I promise you that you can’t wait to give the old devil a black eye and move out of those weak areas, including learning how to manage your negative response that most likely started in childhood.

To give further emphasis to a negative response that began in childhood and was changed, I would like to use my own daughter, Crystal, as an example. When I came into the study of temperaments in her early teen years, I gave her the test, and she, too, tested Phlegmatic. True to form, she was a child who liked to please everyone, and yes, felt guilty if she didn’t.

Fast forward a few years — she became the manager of a large fitness center in our area with over 100 employees under her. She quickly realized she could not please everyone if she were to run a large establishment effectively. Remembering the strengths of her temperament from years gone by, she began to put those forth and moved out of the guilt feeling as she confidently and Christ-like dealt with conflicts that arose. A few years later, she opened up her own company.

And that, my friends, is just one of the reasons why we need to have knowledge of our temperaments – to help us in our emotional responses to life.

Your most common emotional response might not be guilt as mine was. Perhaps, it was anger or depression. If you are interested in getting to the root of what might be a major influence on your negative responses today, I recommend reading Personality Plus, by Florence Littauer. It is an excellent book on temperaments.

Join Hannah and me next week as we take a look at another root cause of our negative emotional response: Perception.

Remember: You are fearfully and wonderfully made.